Senior Saturday Schedule
2:00pm-2:30pm Opening Ceremony + Worship Session
2:30pm-3:30pm Drill
3:30pm-4:30pm Christian Education + Badgework
4:30pm-5:30pm Closing Ceremony + Free Time + Refreshments
Opening Ceremony
An opening ceremony is the gathering of everyone to begin a parade and to ready everyone for the later Saturday parade activities.
15th KL Worship Team
Our worship team leads worship every Saturday parades and on a special occasion where we lead the church on BB Sunday once every year.
To reinforce teamwork and discipline in the Seniors, we teach drill to ready them for future BB events and Drill competitions.
The Seniors of 15th KL have participated in the BB state event called KUL Games in 2022 and won the Senior Section Captain Ball.
The Seniors learn new things every week and earn badges when they complete their badgework course.
Day Dress
Company Tee